What is WWOOFing?

WorldWide Opportunities on Organic Farms, is part of a worldwide movement that connects organic farms with visitors. WWOOF enables experiences of cultural exchange and further education based on trust and moneyless exchange with the aim of building a sustainable global community.


It is particularly important to me to bring people from all over the world to our farm and to work together. That is why we have registered on the WWOOFer platform and have had many volunteers from Europe, but also Singapore, Australia, Russia, Iran... sit in on us. We communicate in English and German and the cultural exchange is very important to me and my family.

 We have created a place for people, animals and plants to meet. Mindfulness towards each and every individual is essential and the engine for our inner satisfaction. But there is also a conflict between economics and morals. Finding a balance between pet and livestock animal is an ongoing process that keeps me busy as a farmer and as a consumer.

What activities can you learn with us as a WWOOFER?

  • TAKING CARE OF ANIMALS (feed, muck out, groom, litter, enlarge the fence...)
  • MILKING (under good guidance)
  • PROCESSING (mozzarella, yoghurt, whey drinks, butter...)
  • Baking BREAD,
  • Healthy COOKING vegan / vegetarian / meat
  • Distil SCHNAPPS (mostly in January)
  • Brewing BEER (twice a year)
  • Press JUICE (October)
  • Make JAM (August to November)
  • Process and freeze VEGETABLES
  • FOREST WORK firewood and construction timber
  • Repair FENCES

On the following page you can register for WWOOFING!


To access the website of wwoof.at: