Scientific studies and further articles on human and animal health


Investigation of dehorning in cattle

To learn more about the consequences of dehorning:

Impact of Glyphosate on Our Health

Dr. Stephanie Seneff of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) speaks about glyphosate and its impact on human health. Dr. Seneff's work focuses on the role of toxic chemicals and how they can affect the environment, and importantly, your health.


Doubtful milk quality from highly industrial agriculture

Fewer and fewer people know real cow's milk

Milk is at least "heat treated", in most cases pasteurized or ultra-high temperature (UHT milk), in some cases also sterilized. As a result, the majority of people have never drank "real cow's milk".

The milk that is for sale everywhere today has nothing to do with the milk that comes from the udder.

What happens to the milk before it reaches the consumer?

Today it is generally subjected to

  • cooling
  • heated and homogenized
  • adjusted in fat content and
  • bottled in glass or tetrapack

Effects and benefits of pasteurization

The bacteria that the calf drinks with its mother's milk are microorganisms that help it develop a strong immune system; they are microorganisms that settle in the baby's body in order to be in symbiosis, i.e. in a community with mutual benefit life.

From a chemical point of view, pasteurized milk hardly differs from the original raw milk. It still contains the same amount of protein, the same amount of calcium and the same amount of iron.

But why does the calf often die after six months at the latest if it only receives its mother's milk in pasteurized form?

Whether it is the missing enzymes that are destroyed by the short but strong heat effect of pasteurization, whether it is an important heat-sensitive vitamin that is no longer available in the required amount, whether it is the denatured protein or a factor, that nobody has discovered yet, nobody knows, it is still an open question.

Ultra high heating and sterilization of the milk

In order to be able to store milk even longer, ultra-high heating and sterilization were developed. Ultra-heated milk (= UHT milk) is heated to at least 135 ° C for two to eight seconds and can be kept for at least three months.

If milk is heated to 120 ° C for half an hour, it is sterile, i.e. absolutely germ-free. Sterile milk can even be kept for six months at room temperature (e.g. condensed milk). However, this further reduces the quality of the milk.

Homogenization of the milk

With the exception of milk from some organic dairies, milk is routinely homogenized. In this process, the pressure is so strong that the milk fat droplets, which would otherwise collect on the milk surface and form a lump of creamy cream in the bottle, are broken up into tiny particles.

The lump is gone now, but the particles of milk fat are now so tiny that they pass the intestinal wall, get into the bloodstream and trigger reactions in the body that are known as allergie.

Consuming homogenized milk carries a twenty-fold higher risk of triggering an allergy than consuming untreated milk. With the fine fat particles, an enzyme (xanthine oxidase) also migrates from the milk into the bloodstream, which is able to clog arteries and thus cause high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis (= hardening of the arteries).

Poisonous return carriage

Today, dairy cows from industrialized agriculture are usually given an inexpensive ready-to-eat mix instead of grass or hay. For financial reasons, imports from Third World countries, where the use of pesticides such as Roundup, which we have long banned, are the order of the day.

The insect and weedkillers are generously used in the cultivation of animal feed (maize, soybeans, ...). We get our own "toxic waste" back through the feed and finally through milk and meat products.

Since the toxins accumulate in animals, meat contains on average 14 times more pesticides than plant-based foods, and dairy products still 5.5 times as much.


Pasteurization leads to far-reaching changes in milk quality. Chain reactions take place which damage and destroy the structure of the milk. Pasteurized milk therefore contains colonies of putrefactive and other bacteria, while at the same time it has lost heat-sensitive vitamins and all enzymes. Nevertheless, their taste remains unchanged for over a week.

In addition, through the homogenization of the milk, the milk fat droplets are broken up so that they can get into the intestinal wall and bloodstream during digestion. This can lead to allergies and also to high blood pressure and hardening of the arteries.

In industrial agriculture, maize and soy are mostly fed with pesticides. This poison is absorbed by us through milk and meat production. As a result, meat contains 14 times and dairy products 5.5 times as many pesticides as plant-based foods.

Digestion of the cow

The cow tears off the grass with its tongue. It has teeth at the bottom and a chewing plate at the top. It can use it to grind the grass. The food then goes through a 1 ½ meter long throat in the rumen (main stomach). It is a 180 liter bag filled with water, saliva and grass. 10 billion microorganisms live in it, which feel very comfortable with a PH neutrality. They live in a symbiosis with the cow. If the pH value became too acidic, the microorganisms would not be able to survive and the cow would die as well. These microorganisms break up the feed. Then it goes on to the reticulate stomach, where the feed is moved through a net and too long grass fibers are separated out. The long fibers are maneuvered back into the mouth via the sling stomach and chewed 60 times for one minute. Then it goes the same way back into the rumen and reticulum. When the food has passed the reticulum, it goes into the leaf stomach, where all the liquid is pressed out so that it does not neutralize PH in the next (rennet) stomach. The rennet stomach is an acid stomach, it chemically breaks down the food so that it becomes a pulp. Now the feed has been chopped up and prepared in such a way that all important nutrients are available. Next stop intestines! With its villi, the intestine forms a huge transition area to the blood system. The nutrients pass through the intestinal walls and are absorbed into the blood circulation system. They provide the whole body with vital nutrients that it needs to build cells. When the cow is giving milk, the hormonal glands on the udder are also supplied with nutrients so that they can produce milk.



The cow is (not) a climate killer?!

Pasture land is a great producer of oxygen and binds CO2

Plants are the only living beings which have the ability to produce their own food (sugar) from water and Co2. They get the water and Co2 from the soil and the energy for the leaf structure from the sunlight. This process is known as photosynthesis. The oxygen, which is vital for us, is given off through the leaves.

But where is most of the oxygen produced and CO2 bound?

Half of our oxygen is produced by small algae in the sea. On the mainland, it's not the forest, but the meadows which are producing the most oxygen. Why? Nowhere is there such a high density of plants (grasses, flowers and herbs) as in the meadow. Up to one hundred thousand plants can live on one square meter of meadow.

75% of the plant are available underground as roots. These roots often extend up to 1.2 meters into the ground. The plants that we see on the surface are usually cut off in Austria from a height of 30 cm. In popular parlance: in Bierflaschl-Hechn one gmaht. But the root system lives on and binds the CO2 in itself. After 1-5 years, the plant dies and begins to rot. The CO2 bound in, is transformed into humus and is the nutrient for the next generation. In the forest, 75% of the plants (trees, shrubs, ferns) are on the surface, in autumn the leaves fall off and rot on the ground. Part of the CO2 bound in the leaf is released back into the atmosphere. So one can say that the meadow binds the CO2 in the soil better than the forest.